The conference official languages are English and Italian. Oral and poster presentations can be held in Italian but must be accompanied by a .ppt/.pptx presentation or a poster in English, so as to ensure as much interaction as possible between participants coming from different countries and speaking different languages.
Oral presentations
Oral presentations will be allotted 20 minutes each, including a short Q&A session. Presenters are kindly requested to upload their presentations to the conference laptops before the conference starts or during any of the break preceding the session in which they present. PowerPoint (.ppt; .pptx) and Adobe PDF (.pdf) are the accepted presentation formats; multimedia files must be provided beforehand upon speaker check-in.
Poster presentations
Printed posters must be maximum A0 in size (841mm x 1,189mm) and portrait in orientation. Presenters are advised to mount their posters at least 20 minutes before the poster session starts and to remove them after it ends. Conference organizers decline any responsibility for posters left unattended after the poster session. Material for mounting posters will be available on site.
Poster slam
The poster session will be preceded by a plenary session in which every presenter will have 30 seconds (1 slide + 1 title slide) to introduce their work. Poster presenters are requested to send the 2 slides (in .ppt/.pptx) by February 8 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The organizers will prepare a single presentation to ensure that the time schedule is complied with.