Also available:  Italiano (Italia) 

The conference offers an opportunity to share new research experiences concerning various aspects of speaker disposition, investigated from a variety of perspectives and disciplinary traditions. Therefore, we invite contributions on phonetic and prosodic aspects related to: 


Following the tradition of AISV conferences, the programme will also include open sessions on any aspect of speech science research.

The languages of the conference are Italian and English. Power Point presentations and posters should be written in English.

How to submit your abstract

Authors are invited to submit an anonymous abstract by September 25th, 2021 September 30th, 2021. Abstracts should be written in English or Italian, and should be restricted to 1000-1500 words and two pages in A4 format, including graphs and references. Abstracts should be submitted in *.pdf format through the procedure that will be set up in the Congress website (starting from the  July 31st, 2021).

A selection of papers will be published in the series "Studi AISV". Authors that wish to publish their work should submit their paper by March 15th, 2022, following the guidelines indicated on the AISV website ( 

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations will last 20 minutes, followed by a short Q&A session (10 minutes). Presenters should load their presentation to the conference laptops at least 20 minutes before the session starts. PowerPoint or Adobe PDF are the accepted presentation formats; multi-media sound or video files to be presented with slides must be provided at speaker check-in.

Poster Presentations

The poster session, co-organized with AItLA, will be held on May 4th, 2022. The traditional printed poster will be replaced with 5-minute video presentations, which will be made available online for all members about 1 week before the conference.

Additionally to the videos, during the conference, poster authors are invited to briefly present their work before the traditional discussion between the authors and the members that are interested in their work. The presentation will have to be up to 2 minutes long and will have to be accompanied by 2 slides (one with the title and authors’ information and the other with a brief summary of the work).

After the presentation, participants will be able to reach the poster authors to discuss their work, always respecting COVID prevention measures. Poster authors will not be able to display traditional posters, but we encourage them to use slides or any other material (in printed or digital form using their own laptop) to support the discussion.


The video (.mp4) and the two slides (.pdf) will have to be uploaded in this form by April 20th, 2022


Paper submission

We would like to inform you that the deadline for sending papers is May 30th, 2022. The acceptance of the abstract does not necessarily entail the publication of the paper in the Studi AISV series ( Each submission will undergo an anonymous review process. We welcome the submission of original papers (not published elsewhere). Manuscripts should not be longer than 8000 words and should not exceed 22 pages. We ask you to carefully read the editorial guidelines, including the instructions for exporting graphs, and to use the attached template when preparing your manuscript. 

Papers should be submitted in PDF format on EasyChair through this link: updating the abstract file.

We encourage young researchers to apply for the Franco Ferrero Award. The application should be submitted by May 30th, 2022 via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more details on the participation, please visit the following website: